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How To Repair Scratches, Rips, Bubbles, Seams, Curling On Vinyl Sheet Floor & PVC Tiles | Vinyl Flooring Fast Fix

2020/3/27 17:21:25

Regardless of the application and despite its excellent resistance, vinyl flooring sheets or tiles can be damaged by the passage of time, use, improper maintenance, and other "external" factors. Eliminating cuts and scratches, closing gaps between plates and skirting boards, correcting sheets that have been lifted, and replacing the affected sections of your flooring while your vinyl flooring has suffered major rips, tears, or burns that sealants and adhesives won't fix, there are some common damages that require repairing a vinyl flooring.


Why Does Vinyl Flooring Spoil & Damaged?

PVC floors are a reality both in the industrial field and in the domestic environment. And one of the reasons is its ease of installation and maintenance. However, it should not be forgotten that many vinyl floors are thin and that means that, in addition to positive flexibility, they may have some small damage. But to keep it in perfect condition for a long time, some daily correct maintenance and care for vinyl flooring are also necessary. Of course, damage cannot be avoided 100%:

  • The top, or wear, layer can be damaged by daily use and by the rolling of sand or stone residues, causing small cuts, and even peeling of the corners if the adhesive dries. On the other hand, dropping sharp, too hot or rough targets also spoils the vinyl floor. The same can happen more deeply, for example, when dragging heavy machinery.

  • Another reason why vinyl flooring needs to be repaired is humidity, which can occasionally cause the panels to expand and move, causing openings in the joints and bulges that can lift the floor.

  • Finally, if the damage is caused by a flood or a constant puddle, for example, due to a leak, bubbles could form that also require repairing the vinyl floor.

Useful Tips & Methods To Repair Vinyl Flooring (PVC Flooring)

Before repairing a vinyl floor, you should know the cause or origin of the damage, as each case requires a solution: use wax and other materials to cover in case of scratches and friction, level the floor plates in holes and bulges, or replace a part of the damaged floor in the most serious cases.

How To Repair Small Scratches and Rips On Vinyl (PVC) Flooring?

Repairing scratches and cuts to vinyl flooring sheets or tiles are quick and easy. The objective in all cases is to fill in the damaged area and prevent the lower layers of the soil from deteriorating.

  • You will need to clean the area well where the damage is, remove any existing dirt or debris from the surface of your vinyl flooring.  

  • Apply a specific vinyl joint sealant or sealant to the scraped or cut areas of the vinyl flooring. Wax can also be used. 

  • Ideally, fill with excess material and then sand the surface until smooth. The general advice is to consult with professionals to know which product to use in each case and how to apply it. There are also specific kits on the market to repair vinyl floors with minor damage.

How To Repair Bubbles On Vinyl (PVC) Flooring?

When water leaks or leaks, small bubbles can form on vinyl floors. 

  • Before making any intervention, it is necessary that the surface is well dry. 

  • Then you can make a horizontal cut with a cutter or a sharp blade, from part to part of the bubble, and press to let the air inside. 

  • Since the surface will not be flat, you will probably have to insert vinyl adhesive through the hole you have made and apply pressure again.

  • To finish, put a towel in the place where the bubble was and run a clothes iron over it. The goal is for the vinyl to bond again in the heat. 

  • If there is still a small flaw, you can repair it as explained in the previous point.

How to Repair a Raised Seam in Sheet Vinyl Flooring or PVC Tiles?

Whether it is a vinyl sheet floor with a few seams or a vinyl floor tile, over time, the adhesive may lose its adhesion, so the seams may become loose or even warped. Raised seams will not only damage the appearance of the floor, but also cause the risk of tripping, and may even cause irreparable damage to the whole PVC flooring.

  • Check the seams first. Press the loose edges down to make sure they still join together to form a tight seam.

  • Lift the raised part of the vinyl floor from the floor and use a putty knife to scrape off as much old glue as possible from under the floor.

  • Use a vacuum cleaner to remove any debris, dust and sand under the PVC floor.

  • If the vinyl is too hard to bend, use a hairdryer to soften it.

  • Apply paint tape to the edges of the floor on both sides of the seam to protect the surface.

  • Use a vise-bent putty knife to apply a uniform adhesive to the vinyl bottom.

  • Press the floor down onto the adhesive. Press down the edges with a rag to remove excess adhesive.

  • Cover the repaired seam with a sheet of wax paper and place a sheet of plywood or cardboard on top of it.

  • Place heavy objects, such as a large pile of books, on the plywood to compress the seams.

  • Allow the adhesive to dry for at least 12 hours, then remove the plywood and weights, and carefully pull the wax paper off the vinyl flooring sheet or tile.

  • Remove the paint tape and apply a vinyl seam sealer, usually with an applicator, to seal the seams.

  • Allow the seam sealer to dry for at least 8 hours before walking on the repaired floor.

  • If the edges are damaged or the seams do not close neatly, the best repair is a metal transition strip that completely hides the seams.

How To Close Gaps In Vinyl Flooring?

One of the common problems of vinyl flooring is that, with use and humidity, the material expands and, even slightly, a separation occurs between the sheets that make up the floor.

  • The first step in fixing it is to remove the nearest baseboard to see which iron has moved. 

  • Once located, with a hammer and a plug, you can press until the open joint is closed. 

  • lTo finish, put the skirting board back using glue.

How To Repair (Correct) Curling Vinyl Flooring Tiles or Rolls?

Another of the usual repairs in vinyl floors is the bulging caused by moisture. The repair process, in this case, is similar to the previous one. 

  • After removing the plinth to check the damaged part, draw a line at the same height as the rest of the floor panels are located and cut where you have marked. 

  • Then, remove the excess piece, clean the area and, when it is dry, replace it with another.

  • The important thing is that you cut a piece of vinyl that fits perfectly in the gap you have left. For a perfect finish, use a low-gloss joint sealant or vinyl joint sealant.

How To Repair Vinyl Flooring With Big Damages?

Above we have introduced some repairs to some small breaks on vinyl flooring. But when your vinyl floor is damaged in a large area or cannot any longer be repaired by the above methods, the replacement of the whole piece may be your best choice. You can read our other guide to learn how to remove and replace vinyl flooring.

Repairing a vinyl floor is not complicated. However, nothing better than leaving this job in professional hands. At AccessFloorStore.Com, we have more than 15 years of experience in the supply and maintenance of PVC floors, there are not only homogeneous vinyl flooring for commercial applications (office, shopping mall) but also anti-static vinyl flooring for special industrial areas (hospital, data center, electronics workshop). If you have any questions about vinyl flooring, contact us. We will find the best solution for you!



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